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Australian Reiki
Request a Free Distant Reiki Healing

Reiki Distant Healing

Reiki Distant Healing Book & Online Event








Reiki Practitioners can participate in sending Distant Healing Reiki in two ways.
By joining our live online event every Thursday evening from 8.30 to 9.00 pm AEDT.​

To Join the Thursday live event at 8.30 pm, AEST click here 


Sending distant healing Reiki from the comfort of their own home to the names and requests listed in the ARC distant healing book.



Distant Healing
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 How to Participate in Online Distant Healing Circle


Reiki Practitioners can participate in the Online Distant Healing Circle by joining our live  Google Meet session every Thursday from 8.30 to 9.00 pm AEDT.​


by sending distant healing Reiki from home to the names in the ARC distant healing book.


If you have requested Reiki Distant Healing through ARC, you are welcome to join us, say hello, and relax while you enjoy the session with our Reiki practitioners.


To Join the Thursday live event at 8.30 pm AEDT, click here 


 How to submit Distant Healing Request

You can request distant Reiki healing at any time.

If you are requesting healing for someone else, please make sure you have their permission before submitting their name.

Our certified Reiki practitioners offer distant healing as part of the ARC remote healing program, free of charge.


Steps to Submit a Request:

  1. Complete the Request Form below– Fill out the form below with the required details.

  2. Include the Recipient’s Permission – If you are requesting healing for someone else, confirm that they have agreed to be added to the Distant Healing Register.

  3. Submit Your Request using the form – Once submitted, the request will be added to our healing list within 24 hours.


The Australian Reiki Connection Inc.  does not make any claims that the energy shared will bring about a specifically desired result. The energy of Reiki responds to the highest good for a person/situation/event. The energy shared by the participants is sent with the intention of supporting the healing process.


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Free Reiki Distance Healings

Thank you for Submitting

Contact the Australian Reiki Connection

Phone:  0411 213 804

Email ARC

Australian  Leading Reiki Association
© Copyright Protected

Australian Reiki Connection Inc. 1997 -2025


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Incorporated Association Registration Number IARN: A0035912F Australian Registered Body Number ARBN: 097 727 234 Australian Business Number ABN: 16 324 495 886

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