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Australian Reiki
Criteria for joining the Australian Reiki Connection the Association of Australian Professional Reiki Practitioners

Criteria for Membership of the Australian Reiki Connection

Membership of the Australian Reiki Connection Inc. is renewed annually on 31st August.
A membership renewal invoice is issued at the end of July.

Members are to maintain full financial membership of the Association.
Members wishing to resign their membership of ARC Inc. must do so
in writing by email or post to the ARC Inc. Secretary.

Members are asked to keep their membership record current by updating all changes
to their contact details, qualifications, business, email, phone as soon as they occur.

category 1

Professional Reiki Treatment Practitioner Member / NON Teaching - Annual Fee $80 (plus one-off administration fee $40)


Before downloading the application form, please read the following criteria for this category of membership.


Membership in this category is for Professionals who have been attuned to the Usui System of Reiki Level II/Okuden (minimum); Level IIIA/Master Practitioner; Level Master Teacher/Shinpiden - who offer Reiki Treatments to the Public but who do not Teach Reiki to the Public.

Criteria for membership in this category

  • Have hands-on training and received Hands-On attunement(s) in the Usui System of Reiki in the physical presence of their Reiki teacher.

  • Have been trained by a Reiki Teacher whose qualifications and practices are established as meeting the ARC Criteria for Teaching the USUI System of Reiki.

  • Provide a certified copy of your attunement certifications [Justice of the Peace or similar to certify] Certified on the FRONT/FACE of the Document

  • Provide a copy of the ‘Teaching Lineage’ directly related to the attunement certifications.

  • For those who wish to use ARC's referred broker, Gallagher, to obtain their insurance, it is preferable that you wait until you receive your membership number and instructions on how to proceed.

  • If you do not have a current/valid First Aid (HLTAID011) certificate, you should arrange to obtain one while ARC is processing your application.

  • Provide an Active status Australian Business Number (ABN) at minimum entity type; Individual/Sole Trader.

  • If you operate your business under a name other than your own personal name, then that business name
    must be registered with ASIC in association with your Active status Australian Business Number (ABN)

  • Agree to comply with the code-regulation regime called ‘A National Code of Conduct for health care workers’, which applies to all health care workers, including Reiki practitioners who are not registered under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for health practitioners, and to registered health care workers who offer health services not covered by their professional registration body.   Read the National Code of Conduct here 

  • Agree to abide by and conduct themselves in accord with the ARC Code of Ethics, and ARC Code of Professional Practice and to respect the ARC Complaint Management and Reporting Process, which is used in all instances of complaint against a member

  • Agree to commit to and support the Mission of the Australian Reiki Connection Inc.


Having satisfied all requirements and do so on a continuing basis, ARC members details will be included on the Directory of Referred Reiki Treatment Practitioners, (only if they choose that option)

Criteria for Membership of the Association
category 2
Professional Reiki Practitioner

Professional  Reiki Teacher - Annual Fee $100 (plus a one-off administration fee of $40


​The Teaching Membership category is granted to applicants who have been professional Reiki practitioners for at least one year and have offered Reiki treatments to the public.

Membership in this category is for Reiki Teachers who have been attuned to the Usui System of Reiki Level Master Teacher/Shinpiden and who Teach Usui System of Reiki - Level I/Shoden and/or Level II/Okuden and/or Level IIIA/Master Practitioner and/or Level Master Teacher/Shinpiden. 



Criteria for membership in this category

  • Have hands-on training and received Hands-On attunement(s) in the Usui System of Reiki in the physical presence of their Reiki teacher.

  • Have been trained by a Reiki Teacher whose qualifications and practices are established as meeting the ARC Criteria for the Teaching of the USUI System of Reiki 2015

  • Provide a certified copy of your attunement certifications [Justice of the Peace or similar to certify] Certified on the FRONT/FACE of the Document

  • Provide a copy of the ‘Teaching Lineage’ directly related to the attunement certifications.

  • It is preferred that at this time if you intend to use ARC's referred broker, Gallagher, for your insurance, you wait until you receive confirmation of your membership number and instructions on how to proceed to obtain their discounted premium.

  • While ARC. is processing your application, it is recommended that if you do not have a current/valid First Aid (HLTAID011) certificate, you arrange to obtain one.

  • Provide an Active status Australian Business Number (ABN) at minimum entity type; Individual/Sole Trader.

  • If you operate your business under a name other than your own personal name, then that business name
    must be registered with ASIC in association with your Active status Australian Business Number (ABN)

  • Agree to comply with the code-regulation regime called ‘A National Code of Conduct for health care workers, which applies to all health care workers, including Reiki practitioners and Reiki teachers, who are not registered under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for health practitioners, and to registered health care workers who offer health services not covered by their professional registration body.  Read the National Code of Conduct

  • Agree to abide by and conduct themselves in accord with the ARC Code of Ethics, ARC Code of Professional Practice and to respect the ARC Complaint Management and Reporting Process, which is used in all instances of complaint against a member.

  • Agree to commit to and support the Mission of the Australian Reiki Connection Inc.


In Addition, Professional Reiki Teaching Members are required to;

Submit a copy of their teaching manuals for each level of Reiki they teach or intend to teach.

Manuals can be sent by email to


Having satisfied these requirements and doing so on a continuing basis, the members name will be included on the Directory of Referred Reiki Teachers, (only if they choose that option)

category 3

Non-Professional Member Annual Fee $40 (plus one-off administration fee $40)


Before downloading the application form, please read the following criteria for this membership category.



  • Membership in this category is for NON-Professionals who have been attuned to the Usui System of Reiki Level I/Shoden (minimum); Level II/Okuden; Level Master Teacher/Shinpiden - who do not offer Reiki Treatments to the Public and do not Teach Reiki to the Public for reward.

  • Non-Professional Member category is to facilitate their inclusion and connection with ARC and the Reiki community.

  • Many Reiki channels and teachers are using Reiki to treat self, family, friends, plants and animals.

  • They do not intend to provide Reiki treatments to the general public in a professional capacity.

  • They do not have insurance or first aid certification to treat the public in a professional capacity as prescribed by the code-regulation regime called ‘A National Code of Conduct for health care Workers’



Should ARC members in the Non-Professional category start providing Reiki treatments on a fee-paying basis or teaching Reiki, they are required to inform ARC and change to the Professional Category of membership.​


Criteria for membership in Non Professional category


  • Have hands-on training and received Hands-On attunement(s) in the Usui System of Reiki in the physical presence of their Reiki teacher.

  • Have been trained by a Reiki Teacher whose qualifications and practices are established as meeting the ARC Criteria for the Teaching of the USUI System of Reiki 2015

  • Provide a certified copy of your attunement certifications [Justice of the Peace or similar to certify] Certified on the FRONT/FACE of the Document

  • Provide a copy of the ‘Teaching Lineage’ directly related to the attunement certifications.

  • Agree to abide by and conduct themselves in accord with the ARC Code of Ethics.

  • Agree to commit to and support the Mission of the Australian Reiki Connection Inc. 


Currently this category of membership is not available
Professional Reiki Teachers

Contact the Australian Reiki Connection

Phone:  0411 213 804

Email ARC

Australian  Leading Reiki Association
© Copyright Protected

Australian Reiki Connection Inc. 1997 -2025


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Incorporated Association Registration Number IARN: A0035912F Australian Registered Body Number ARBN: 097 727 234 Australian Business Number ABN: 16 324 495 886

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