National Code of Conduct for Health Care Workers
The National Code of Conduct is a statutory code of conduct that sets minimum standards of practice for health care workers who are not registered under the National Registration Accreditation Scheme (NRAS), or who provide services unrelated to their registration, or who are student or volunteer health care workers. This includes Reiki Practitioners and Reiki Teachers
Since 2007 the Australian Reiki Connection Inc. (ARC) has been an active stakeholder at various Government forums and discussions concerning Codes of Conduct for health care workers (now called non-registered** health practitioners in NSW and unregistered health practitioners in SA)
Note: ** A non-registered /unregistered health practitioner is any health practitioner who is not required to be registered under Health Practitioner Regulation National Law or provides services unrelated to their registration.
In April 2015, Health ministers agreed to the terms of the first national code of conduct for healthcare workers and a policy framework to underpin the nationally consistent implementation of the national code and code-regulation regime.
Code-regulation regimes are operating in New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland, and Victoria.
Legislation has been passed in, Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania and Western Australia.
Legislative change to enable implementation of the regime has not yet passed in the
Northern Territory,

In summary, the Code of Conduct says that general health services:
• Provide safe and ethical healthcare
• Obtain consent for treatment
• Take care to protect consumers from infection
• Minimise harm and act appropriately if something goes wrong
• Report concerns about other practitioners
• Keep appropriate records and comply with privacy laws
• Be covered by appropriate insurance and First Aid.
• Display a copy of and information about the Code of Conduct and making a complaint.
Must not
• Mislead consumers about their products, services or qualifications
• Put consumers at risk due to any physical or mental health problems
• Practice under the influence of drugs or alcohol
• Make false claims about curing serious illnesses such as cancer
• Exploit consumers financially
• Have inappropriate relationships with consumers
• Discourage consumers from seeking other health care or refuse to cooperate with other practitioners if they do.
It is the responsibility of every Reiki practitioner to ensure they adhere to the above, also that they
Practice in full awareness and compliance with their Local Government, State/Territory Government, and National/Federal Government rules and regulations.
Carry the correct level of Combined Liability Insurance.
Are aware that if first aid is not available at their place of practice, to have a current first aid certification (HLTAID011 Provide first aid)
ARC requires our Professional Reiki Practitioner and Reiki Teaching Members in ACT, TAS, NT, and WA - where the legislation is still in process to adhere to the Victorian (National Code)
ARC will continue to advise of the remaining State/Territory enactments of the National Code as we become aware of them.
Reiki Practitioners
do you need a First Aid Certificate?
Read what rule 5 of the code of Conduct requires here

Read FAQs on National Codes here.
Download a copy of the National Code of Conduct here
Download a copy of the QLD Code of Conduct (introduced in 2015)
Download a copy of the SA Code of Conduct (Amended in March 2019 to conform to the National Code)
Download the WA Information Sheet: National Code of Conduct
for health care workers